Frequently asked questions
You'll receive an email once your order has shipped titled "Your Order is on the way", containing your tracking link.
Alternatively, you can log into your Nextfashion Account and track your order there.
You'll receive an email once your order has shipped titled "Your Order is on the way", containing your tracking link.
Alternatively, you can log into your Nextfashion Account and track your order there.
In the unlikely event you've receive a wrong item or the wrong order, or your order is damaged in any way, please contact us with the following information and we'll get it sorted;
- Your order number
- The name of the item you didn't receive
- A photo and the name of the item you have received (if the wrong item)
In the unlikely event you've receive a wrong item or the wrong order, or your order is damaged in any way, please contact us with the following information and we'll get it sorted;
- Your order number
- The name of the item you didn't receive
- A photo and the name of the item you have received (if the wrong item)
We understand that mistakes happen, and while we’re unable to change the address with the courier once your order is placed, there might still be a way to resolve this. You can try reaching out to the courier directly to request an update.
Once you receive the tracking email from the courier, it will include your tracking number. With this, you can contact them and ask if they’re able to adjust the address for you. While we can’t guarantee this will work since each courier operates differently, it’s worth a try.
Please note that if an incorrect address was entered during checkout, we are unable to take responsibility for lost orders and cannot issue a refund or replacement. Thank you for your understanding.
We understand that mistakes happen, and while we’re unable to change the address with the courier once your order is placed, there might still be a way to resolve this. You can try reaching out to the courier directly to request an update.
Once you receive the tracking email from the courier, it will include your tracking number. With this, you can contact them and ask if they’re able to adjust the address for you. While we can’t guarantee this will work since each courier operates differently, it’s worth a try.
Please note that if an incorrect address was entered during checkout, we are unable to take responsibility for lost orders and cannot issue a refund or replacement. Thank you for your understanding.
Contact us
Have a question, or want a product recommendation? Get in touch.
Our store
123 Fake St.
Toronto, Canada
Mon - Fri, 10am - 9pm
Saturday, 11am - 9pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm